React: Access Props Using this.props 19/47


The last several challenges covered the basic ways to pass props to child components. But what if the child component that you’re passing a prop to is an ES6 class component, rather than a stateless functional component? The ES6 class component uses a slightly different convention to access props.
Anytime you refer to a class component within itself, you use the this keyword. To access props within a class component, you preface the code that you use to access it with this. For example, if an ES6 class component has a prop called data, you write {} in JSX.

Render an instance of the ReturnTempPassword component in the parent component ResetPassword. Here, give ReturnTempPassword a prop of tempPassword and assign it a value of a string that is at least 8 characters long. Within the child, ReturnTempPassword, access the tempPassword prop within the strong tags to make sure the user sees the temporary password.


Line 10 needs adding inside <strong> element: {this.props.tempPassword}
Line 29 needs adding <ReturnTempPassword tempPassword={“12345678”}/>

By swiatartura

Aspiring Webdeveloper, practising LifeHacker, bicycle and qigong enthusiast, father, member of 40 years old society.

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