React: Set State with this.setState 24/47

Objective: The previous challenges covered component state and how to initialize state in the constructor. There is also a way to change the component’s state. React provides a method for updating component state called setState. You call the setState method within your component class like so: this.setState(), passing in an object with key-value pairs. The… Continue reading React: Set State with this.setState 24/47 React: Review Using Props with Stateless Functional Components 20/47

Objective: Except for the last challenge, you’ve been passing props to stateless functional components. These components act like pure functions. They accept props as input and return the same view every time they are passed the same props. You may be wondering what state is, and the next challenge will cover it in more detail.… Continue reading React: Review Using Props with Stateless Functional Components 20/47 React: Use React to Render Nested Components 10/47

Objective: The last challenge showed a simple way to compose two components, but there are many different ways you can compose components with React.Component composition is one of React’s powerful features. When you work with React, it is important to start thinking about your user interface in terms of components like the App example in… Continue reading React: Use React to Render Nested Components 10/47 React: Create a Simple JSX Element 1/47

Objective: Intro: React is an Open Source view library created and maintained by Facebook. It’s a great tool to render the User Interface (UI) of modern web applications.React uses a syntax extension of JavaScript called JSX that allows you to write HTML directly within JavaScript. This has several benefits. It lets you use the full… Continue reading React: Create a Simple JSX Element 1/47

R2D006 #100DaysOfCode

Today I finished adapting template to what Edwin wants, although I think he will need some more changes. Meanwhile he decided to create MySQL database, which I have done too. That is actually nothing new, as I have done PHP with Mr Mischook and I would have carried on with him, but sadly he decided… Continue reading R2D006 #100DaysOfCode